He's sure he'll never fall for a man...
When it rains, it pours. After losing his prestigious job, Vlad discovers that his girlfriend has cheated on him. Angry and hurt, he's determined to find her lover and teach him a lesson. When he finds out that her lover is bisexual, it only makes him angrier. Raised by an extremely homophobic family, Vlad is convinced he's straight and holds nothing but contempt for people who aren't.
But sometimes contempt and anger can turn into obsession, and then into something else entirely--something Vlad has always considered sick and wrong.
He's sure he'll never fall for a homophobic bully...
Sebastian is a successful English model who has always detested bullies. When a man shows up on his doorstep accusing him of sleeping with his girlfriend, Sebastian isn't interested in being a punching bag. However, provoking a homophobic man is probably not the best idea...or the safest. But then again, Sebastian has never been good at playing it safe.
Things get a lot more complicated when Vlad has to bodyguard Sebastian. Can they stay professional?
They can't. They bicker and fight, and they hate everything about each other.
When it rains, it pours. After losing his prestigious job, Vlad discovers that his girlfriend has cheated on him. Angry and hurt, he's determined to find her lover and teach him a lesson. When he finds out that her lover is bisexual, it only makes him angrier. Raised by an extremely homophobic family, Vlad is convinced he's straight and holds nothing but contempt for people who aren't.
But sometimes contempt and anger can turn into obsession, and then into something else entirely--something Vlad has always considered sick and wrong.
He's sure he'll never fall for a homophobic bully...
Sebastian is a successful English model who has always detested bullies. When a man shows up on his doorstep accusing him of sleeping with his girlfriend, Sebastian isn't interested in being a punching bag. However, provoking a homophobic man is probably not the best idea...or the safest. But then again, Sebastian has never been good at playing it safe.
Things get a lot more complicated when Vlad has to bodyguard Sebastian. Can they stay professional?
They can't. They bicker and fight, and they hate everything about each other.
Es ist für Vlad immer noch ein Rätsel, wie es denn nur sein kann, dass sein einstiger Boss, der gefürchtete Roman Demidov sich ausgerechnet in Luke Whitford verlieben konnte. Oder viel mehr - wie sein einstiger Chef sich in einen MANN verlieben konnte. Schließlich findet Vlad Homosexualität alles andere als normal. Zumindest ist dem so, bis er Sebastian kennen lernt - seines Zeichens englisches Model. Und der Mann, mit dem Vlads Freundin ihn betrogen hat. Doch all das ist schnell vergessen, als Roman Vlad nach London holt, damit er dort Luke beschützen kann. Und blöder Weise kennen sich Luke und Sebastian ...
Auch dieses Buch konnte ich - wie jedes aus der Reihe - mal wieder nicht abwarten. Ich wollte wissen, wie aus unserem dauer-verkrampften Vlad jemand wird, den man gern haben kann. Oder so ähnlich jedenfalls. Und ich wurde nicht enttäuscht. Nur fehlte mir dieses Mal ein bisschen das Flair, der Zauber, der die meisten anderen Bücher der Reihe umgeben hat. Aber dennoch fand ich Vlad und Sebastian einfach knuffig. Und Roman und Luke und ... ach ja ... Alles in allem schaut meine Wertung dann wie folgt aus ...