Bobby Gugino realized he may have met the man of his dreams in Jody
Olsen, only neither of them were gay, so far as Bobby knew. But when
Jody came out and ended his marriage, Bobby's entire worldview was
skewed, and his own health issues lead to his own coming out. Fast
forward four years and Bobby runs into Jody again, but Bobby may be too
busy making up for lost time to see how great they are together.
Jody Olsen's got guilt and mommy issues, but his coming out was smooth and his life had settled into a mundane pattern of kissing frogs while waiting for prince charming and helping run his mother's book store in New York's East Village. When Bobby comes bumbling back into his life with a surprising shared passion for the written word and an endearing love for sugary Frappuccinos, Jody can't help but be quickly swept up by the man.
The struggle to be patient with Bobby and his being unsure about being committed to someone is not an easy one. Does Jody hope for his happy ever after with Bobby, or is the lure of chasing the rainbow too much to fight against?
Jody Olsen's got guilt and mommy issues, but his coming out was smooth and his life had settled into a mundane pattern of kissing frogs while waiting for prince charming and helping run his mother's book store in New York's East Village. When Bobby comes bumbling back into his life with a surprising shared passion for the written word and an endearing love for sugary Frappuccinos, Jody can't help but be quickly swept up by the man.
The struggle to be patient with Bobby and his being unsure about being committed to someone is not an easy one. Does Jody hope for his happy ever after with Bobby, or is the lure of chasing the rainbow too much to fight against?
Nun, was soll ich hierzu sagen? Es war obiger Text, der mich neugierig gemacht hat. Und als ich dann erst mal in die Leseprobe vertieft war, dachte ich mir, dass mir auch das komplette E-Book bestimmt gefällt. Äh ... nein. Zu Beginn mochte ich die Protagisten noch. Allerdings lässt sich beispielsweise die Beschreibung von Bobby wohl nach dem Lesen nur noch auf eines reduzieren - er wirkt furchtbar dümmlich. Dieses Buch bedient für meinen Geschmack einfach zu viel Klischees und ist mir auch einen Deut zu kitschig. Dennoch - ich habe es via Kindle Unlimited gelesen, weshalb es für mich also kostenlos war, weshalb ich dann auch im Hinblick auf den erfreulicherweise fehlenden Kostenfaktor wie folgt bewerte ...