Dan Fisher is a fun-loving slacker from SSU with a passion for partying
and dancing. When rich girl Avery Wakefield offers him a brand new
designer wardrobe in exchange for posing as her boyfriend, he
reluctantly agrees. He hates lying, but it’s hard to turn down nice
clothes and a chance to live in a historic mansion in Savannah for two
weeks. What he doesn’t count on is falling hard for her mysterious,
straight brother.
Julian Wakefield is as tortured as he is handsome. He keeps a secret
close to his heart, and everyone else at a distance. But now his
sister’s new boyfriend is stirring up feelings he’s always been able to
deny. Like an angel and the devil all rolled into one, he tempts him to
take chances he never would have taken before. Too bad Dan belongs to
his sister, whom he would never dream of betraying.
But… put two hot boys with an irresistible attraction in the same house for long enough, something is bound to happen.
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