It's not easy being Magnus Bane. As a warlock, he's often called upon to fix the problems of others. His life has been long, and his lovers have been many. And Magnus has a way of making sure he's at the right place at the right - or perhaps wrong - time. The French Revolution, Prohibition, the first great battle between Valentine and the New York Institute ... Magnus was there. But smuggling Marie Antoinette out of France is nothing compared to having a first date with Alec Lightwood.
Jetzt gibt es also endlich die Printausgabe der Bane Chronicles. Ich find's ja toll. Und da ich alle zehn Shortstories bereits bewertet habe, hier nun also meine kleine Rückmeldung zur Bonus-Story und zum Gesamtbild der Bane Chronicles - ich liebe es! Vielleicht nicht jede einzelne Geschichte, ja. Wohl aber hat die so genannte Bonus-Story meine Schlussbewertung noch einmal ganz ordentlich in die Höhe gehoben ... könnte man sagen ...