Finding love can be a bumpy ride.
His job:
downsized out of existence. His marriage: on the rocks. It doesn’t take a
lot of arm twisting for Tim Knight to agree to get out of London and
take over his injured brother’s mountain bike shop for a while. A few
weeks in Southampton is a welcome break from the wreck his life has
become, even though he feels like a fish out of water in this brave new
world of outdoor sports and unfamiliar technical jargon.
young man who falls—literally—through the door of the shop brings
everything into sharp, unexpected focus. Tim barely accepts he’s even in the closet until his attraction to Matt Berridge pulls him close enough to touch the doorknob.
only one problem with the loveable klutz: his bullying boyfriend. Tim
is convinced Steve is the cause of the bruises that Matt blows off as
part of his risky sport. But rising to the defense of the man he’s
beginning to love means coming to terms with who he is—in public—in a
battle not even his black belt prepared him to fight. Until now.
Huiiiii! Nach all meinen E-Books aus dem Land der unbegrenzten Möglichkeiten, habe ich es nun also endlich auch mal geschafft, eines zu lesen, das seinen Ursprung ganz offensichtlich in Großbritannien hat. Und zu Beginn hat mir dieser Umstand - oder viel mehr die sprachliche Umstellung - doch so meine Schwierigkeiten bereitet. Aber letzten Endes habe ich mich dann doch daran gewöhnt - nicht zuletzt auch deswegen, weil die Geschichte so schön lang war. Ein weiterer Pluspunkt. Dazu kommen tolle Protagonisten und eine schlüssige Story, die dieses Buch für mich so lesenswert gemacht haben. Aye!